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The Voigt-Kampff is a polygraph-like machine which assists in the testing of an individual to assess whether they are a Replicant or human.  It measures bodily functions such as respiration, blush response, heart rate and eye movement in response to emotionally provocative questions and / or scenarios. The Voight-Kampff Test is used primarily by Blade Runners
It usually takes up to 20 to 30 cross-referenced questions to distinguish a Replicant from a human using this test. However, recent advances have enabled this process to be reduced to five sets of questions. This set of five questions are designed to elicit an emotional response as a direct consequence of the answer the subject is asked to provide.

The current  V 2 . 5  of  the  Voigt-Kampff Test is split into three sections: 
S e c t i o n   1 :   Emotional Response Questions.
S e c t i o n   2 :   Emotional Response Scenarios.
S e c t i o n   3 :   Logical Response Questions.

Click here to download Version 2.5

Click here to download Version 2.6

The three versions available in the zip file:

Version 2.0 - The original and definitive version (the Final Cut!). This is a visual basic executable with all the special effects included. Unfortunately, users running Windows 95/98 or earlier will struggle to use this version due to the library requirements. All modern PC's will be able to run this and you won't be disappointed.
Version 2.0_Amended - This is the same as version 2.0 except that some of the special effects have been removed. The core of the program is the same, but in removing the special effects, the problems encountered by Windows 95/98 users will be removed and they can use the same core VK as in version 2.0.
Version 2.5 - In order to reach as many replicants as possible, I thought it prudent to program a version of the VK which isn't based on a visual basic executable. Therefore, I re-programmed the whole application using VBA within MS Access (which I am assuming most be will be able to access irrelevant of their version of Windows and/or Office). This uses the same core questions as version 2.0 but with a few other effects.
Version 2.6 - There's nothing new to the content this just makes the existing version more MS Access 2007 compatible. 


P r o d u c e r :   Simon 'Nexoid' P a r t o n     
P r o g r a m m i n g :   Simon Parton 
D e v e l o p m e n t :   Simon Parton  
G r a p h i c a l   D e s i g n :   Simon Parton
G r a p h i c a l   A d d i t i o n s :  Various icons and cursors.   
S u b m i s s i o n s :    Gene Ettix, El Torro, and Kipple from the Off-World Forums.
S p e c i a l   T h a n k s :  My wife and children for their support.  My parents for their support.  Friends and forum friends for their testing.  Warner Brothers, Ridley Scott, Harrison Ford et al for the perfection that is 'Blade Runner'.